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In recent meetings on Sacred Music hosted by the Diocese for all clergy, parish music directors, Catholic school staff and parish music ministry members, the diocese shared information about music at Mass.
One specific point from the meeting involves the music for the Entrance Procession. Currently, our practice is to chant the Entrance Antiphon first, then proceed to sing the hymn as the liturgical ministers enter the church proper and sanctuary. To be more precise in conveying the true intention of the Entrance Antiphon in relation to the Mass itself, the hymn will start immediately upon the bell ringing for all to stand, continuing as the clergy arrive at the altar to venerate with a kiss and incense or, after venerating the altar, go directly to the presider chair. At a reasonable point to conclude the hymn, the Entrance Antiphon will be chanted by the choir or cantor immediately before the Priest Celebrant leads us in the Sign of the Cross. The Entrance Antiphon for each Sunday can be found in both English and Latin in the red pew missal on the same page posted on the hymn screens for the readings for Mass, above the First Reading.
Additionally, as new music for our congregation at the beginning of Advent and also returning in Lent, we will chant the Kyrie eleison (translated from Greek: Lord, have mercy) melody from the Kyriale Mass XI - Orbis factor, which can be found in the red pew missal on page 879. The choir or cantor will begin each invocation of “Kyrie” or “Christe”, with the congregation joining on the “eleison” each time. The Kyrie eleison is part of the Penitential Rite of the Mass, where we recall our sins and implore God’s mercy to prepare us to celebrate the sacred mystery of the Mass.